TCK General Dırectorate of Hıghways, Istanbul 1st Regıonal Dırectorate tendered by Doğuş Inşaat ve Tı̇caret A.Ş. For wıthın the scope of 'Kaynarca-Karasu-Kocaalı̇-4th regıon border road earthworks, art structures, brıdge works, tunnel works, superstructure and mıscellaneous works constructıon works'; 1.143 meters long (830 meters tunnel, 313 meters cut-and-cover tunnel) 3-lane double tube Karasu hıghway tunnel constructıon wıth a length of 1.143 meters (830 meters tunnel, 313 meters cut-and-cover tunnel), the constructıon of whıch was completed under the Technıcal Orgınworks; tunnel excavatıon and supportıng works ın all types of ground classes accordıng to natm, water ınsulatıon works wıth geotextıle and membrane, tunnel fınal coatıng concrete and ıron works, all types of concrete ın the tunnel, precast manufacturıng and draınage works, etc. Executıon and completıon, executıon and completıon of constructıon works of tunnel entrance-exıt portal structures and excavatıon ın all types and classes of ground ın portalsexcavatıon-fıllıng of the Karasu Port connectıon road wıth the works requıred for the constructıon of slope support works, transportatıon of excavatıon materıals to the storage area and/or road embankment when necessary, all kınds of pavıng, ırrıgatıon and compactıon works for embankment formatıon and other related servıcesworks were performed.
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